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Posts By Registria

Collin Cohen Featured in Fast Company

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Registria CEO Collin Cohen Featured in Fast Company

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Registria and Shinola's Success Story Featured on Marketing Sherpa

Dive into our exploration of how Shinola doubled product registrations and achieved a staggering... Read More

Registria CEO Collin Cohen Featured in Authority Magazine

In an interview with Authority Magazine, Registria CEO Collin Cohen shares his valuable insights on... Read More

Company News

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Registria Celebrates Growth, Funding and New Global Clients

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An Under-Served Market for Brands

Do companies care about their customers after the sale is made? While most brands would probably... Read More

Why the user experience is one of the best investments you can make

User experience is a hot topic in today’s business world. And for good reason, because as companies... Read More

Making the most of the mobile moment

With the meteoric rise of mobile in today’s society, there has been an increase in how and when we... Read More

Why Email Still Rules the Marketing Roost

Email marketing may not be the hottest trend for digital marketers, like Instagram or Snapchat, but... Read More