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An intelligent, data-driven approach to product ownership

Deliver extraordinary product ownership experiences for every customer, from the moment they open the box, to the moment they’re ready to buy again. Powered by an intelligent platform designed specifically to make exceptional experiences reality, adopting a Smart OX approach makes every product ownership experience the stand-out, personalized experience customers want.


What makes a great Ownership Experience?

The Ownership Experience is the sum of the interactions between the product, the customer and the brand across all stages the customer owns the product.

Great ownership experiences happen when the gaps between the product owner and the brand are replaced with:

  • Two-way engagement
  • Personalized journeys
  • Immediate fulfillment
  • Memorable experiences
  • Meaningful interactions across all ownership phases

Experience higher growth

While brands realize the benefits of building profitable relationships, product owners receive a responsive, easy and overall richer product experience directly from your brand.

Now more than ever, customers crave personalized experiences with the products and the brands they own. In fact, 86% of buyers are willing to pay more to experience excellent service.

It’s a win-win that lasts far beyond the first purchase and into a lifelong relationship.

Registria research shows
"When brands shift to a strategic, customer experience-driven mindset, owner onboarding opens up deeper communication between the brand and their product owners. "
smart ownership experiences
Why take the Smart OX approach?

From happier customers to numerous financial gains, companies that prioritize product ownership strategies ensure everyone wins. The enhanced two-way engagement of Smart OX improves customer satisfaction, share of wallet, and offers your brand additional opportunities to cross-sell and upsell at multiple points throughout the ownership experience.





Lift customer lifetime value

Increase sales to existing customers by offering personalized and targeted promotions during their ownership experience that are highly valued and, as a result, lead to higher conversions.


Reduce costs, Streamline efficiencies

Cut down on expenses and improve operations by transitioning to digital product resources and self-help support channels, which can improve efficiency across different functions.


Increase brand loyalty

Create and deliver well-crafted product ownership journeys that increase customer satisfaction, engagement and brand perception, giving you an edge over your competitors.

Ready to turn every customer into a lifelong brand champion?

Book a demo today and we’ll show you how we can help you upgrade your Ownership Experiences.

The smart ox lifecycle
With a Smart OX approach, your brand can better support and serve product owners every step of the way

From the moment they open the box, to the moment they’re ready to upgrade, product owners expect the brands they love to make product ownership easy, helpful and engaging. Powered by first-party data and intelligent technology, adopting the Smart OX approach makes every ownership experience personal and convenient – no matter where owners are, or what they need along the way through their ownership journey.



Smart OX principles

Taking a Smart OX approach gives brands the capacity to provide every customer an intelligent, personalized product ownership journey, guiding them to faster solutions when questions or problems arise, providing top-notch support, and keeping them in touch with the latest updates and special offers. Your brand is equipped to deliver the stand-out personalized experience customers want.

  • Owner-Centric

    By prioritizing the ownership experience and designing product ownership journeys that remove friction and offer personalized perks, you can boost customer satisfaction, increase repeat purchases, and drive growth for your business.


  • Intelligent Experiences

    By prioritizing the ownership experience and designing product ownership journeys that remove friction and offer personalized perks, you can boost customer satisfaction, increase repeat purchases, and drive growth for your business.


  • Engagement Across All Ownership Stages

    Keep customers happy and satisfied throughout their entire ownership experience, not just at the initial purchase. By guiding customers through each stage of ownership based on how long they’ve had their product, you can increase customer satisfaction and overall value.


  • Scalable Delivery

    Every product owner and their ownership experience is different. However, using intelligent technology can provide consistent and personalized scalable journeys for each owner, regardless of their location, product, or length of ownership.










Ready to see the Smart OX approach in action?
It all happens with Concierge

Deliver extraordinary and intelligent experiences. Every product owner’s Concierge SM experience is as unique as they are. It’s the smart digital guide that always displays your brand, is always helpful, and always personalized to your product owners’ specific ownership journey. Click below to explore the power of Concierge.

Ready to turn every customer into a lifelong brand champion?

Book a demo today and we’ll show you how Registria can upgrade your ownership experiences.

Interested in learning more about Owner Journeys?

Check out these additional resources to find out how Owner Journeys can help your brand provide exceptional Ownership Experiences to your product owners.

By Heather Wilkerson
What is the Ownership Experience (OX)?

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