Tales from the Road Part 2: Thailand
Thai Food and Culture
I arrived in Bangkok, Thailand from Adelaide, Australia late on Friday night after an 8-hour plane ride and a stop at the Sydney International Airport. I was very excited to spend the weekend in Bangkok since I love Thai food and wanted to take advantage of my free time there to explore the city and to enjoy the culture and food.
Over the weekend, I walked around Bangkok quite a bit and used their great Sky Train to get to more distant locations. I ended up going to the Palace, the largest aquarium in Southeast Asia (Sea Life Bangkok), a couple of huge malls, and the largest outdoor weekend marketplace in Southeast Asia. Monday was Father’s Day, which is the same day as the old King’s birthday. The King recently passed away so the whole country is still in a state of mourning and this Father’s Day was very important to the locals. They all had Monday off, so we didn’t actually go to the client’s factory until Tuesday.
I spend some time with our client over the weekend visiting some different locations and for meals, but also spent a lot of the time running around on my own. One thing we both did was get some new, custom-made clothes from a tailor that was recommended to us by a colleague of his. The tailor was great and I am very happy with my new attire.
Thai Factory Visit
Tuesday was the factory visit day. We drove for about 2.5 hours to get to the factory, and again 2.5 hours back. While there we met with multiple groups including line managers and engineers, department team members, IT team members, and the overall factory manager. By the time we left in the afternoon we all felt great about being able to get everything done that we wanted to accomplish. In this case, we will be updating a sticker that goes on the front of about 50 percent of their products to include a Photoregister callout. All products will contain the Photoregister icon on the serial tag, and they will also be updating their literature packs to callout the registration process in more detail.
We can’t wait to tell you more about this client when we have everything up and running, but in the meantime, the travel has been amazing and educational, and we’re excited to be helping a company implement Photoregister on a global scale.